Books, Current Events, Toys

D is for Dinos, Dora, and Yes, the Deep Freeze Too

These past few days have been flash backs into the past for me, as I looked at my now teenage son’s tot-dino-phase. So, it seemed natural for me to stay on course when the time came for the letter D for ABC Wednesday. While I will just link back to my older dinosaur posts with a brief overview of them here, I do have other Ds to feature. So today, D is for Dinos, Dora, and Yes, the Deep Freeze Too.

Dora and the Dinosaurs:

Here are the dino-posts I referred to.

Puzzles for that dinofan

Books to enjoy for dinokids of all ages:

D is also for Dora the Explorer. My tween used to watch this years ago. Dora was definitely daring, annoying at times as well, but entertaining in her own right!

So I present this photo below for those two Ds. A two-in-one party we had for both our lil ones (since their bdays were just over a month apart and we had gotten caught up in life) – Dora and Dinosaurs share the stage, well, the cake!

Dora Dinosaurs

The Deep Freeze:

But D is also for the Deep Freeze that has literally frozen most parts of the US. Many researchers agree that, yes, this deep freeze – this polar vortex – is connected to global warming. While there are others who maintain it might not be connected.

Regardless, unlike the POTUS who requested global warming back in his tweets, we know we want to say Good Bye to global warming. Social media rushed to educate the President on the connections, and the difference between weather and climate.

On PBS News Hour today: Dr.Jennifer Francis(a research professor at Rutgers University) used a cool analogy to explain the difference between weather and climate – she mentions it is similar to the difference between your mood and your personality. You can see the full interview below.

And Seth Meyers referred to possibly that very same parallel in his take on those very same presidential tweets!

You can check out my previous posts for the month and for Ultimate Blog Challenge below. Caught up now (at last!) – this is my day 30 post for UBC. Linking this to ABC Wednesday.

Day 29 Day 28Day 27Day 26Day 25Day 24 Day 23Day 22Day 21Day 20Day 19Day 18Day 17Day 16Day 15Day 14Day 8Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7Day 9
Day 10Day 11Day 12 Day 13

23 thoughts on “D is for Dinos, Dora, and Yes, the Deep Freeze Too

  1. Those are great D words. I like the Dinos and Dora cake! My kids love dinosaurs so I will have to check those books out. They would enjoy them! We have experienced a little bit of the deep freeze and we are doing our best to stay warm! It is going be warm this weekend and give us a taste of spring.

  2. what fun! my son had that same puzzle, and some of those books, too, among many others. while we didn’t like Dora so much, her cousin Diego was more welcome! and oh my goodness yes, it is COLD out there – stay warm!

  3. Maybe if the fake president was given an explanation by Dora, he might just understand what climate change is and why it’s so serious. Ugh. On a lighter note, my nephew went through a dinosaur phase, too, when he was young. He knew his dinosaurs quite well that he corrected his 2nd grade teacher. lol

  4. My grandson is dinosaur obsessed! He loves dinos and trains. I love watching him play with his dinosaur figurines. I think he would make a good storyteller/writer in the future with all the dialogue he comes up with!

    1. yes, i saw that it is warming up for the weekend, so that is good news for all of you definitely..
      and of course I used to watch Dora a lot too thanks to the little ones(not so little now)

  5. We are definitely in the middle of the deep freeze here in NY! The climate has been so different these past few years. I had fun reading about all your “d’s” of the week. I actually miss the Dora days when my kids were younger.

  6. I like dinosaur movies. The books you shared looks good for the kids. When I was kid even I had some dinosaur toys. Thanks for sharing this post

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