Art, Current Events

Inspire Your HeArt

January 31st was Inspire Your Heart with Art Day as well as yaD sdrawkcaB! So here is some art I discovered looking backwards into my posts.. a little later than planned but hope it does inspire your heart!

Street Art discovered on a random street in Winter Park, Florida. Does that not make you feel warm in Winter Park?

That Random Street Art In Winter Park

Doodling it out in this post and it does make the heart smile 🙂

doodling makes the heart smile

A diorama by my son inspired by and for a Hugo related fourth grade book report project. He had just finished reading the book and wanted to use this for his project. Thanks to a shoe box, a used tea carton and some cardboard – this is what he came up with!

inspire your heart with dioramas

And now, the end of this post

Dear reader, how does art inspire you? What art has recently inspired you? Do let me know..

Here are my previous posts for the month:

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